
Catalogues and Journals

Page history last edited by Alan Hartley-Smith 4 months, 3 weeks ago




References to various Marconi catalogues and journals

The Company was a prolific publisher throughout its entire lifetime as recorded here.


See also this page - The Marconi Press Agency - in the wiki


Marconigraph, Wireless World etc.


April 1911 - Marconi published the world's first wireless magazine which was called Marconigraph, and available monthly

April 1913 – Marconigraph was superseded by Wireless World, also published monthly, and the first issue to be sold on news stands

April 1920 – the frequency of publication was increased to fortnightly

April 1922 – Wireless World merged with Radio Review (first published in 1919) to be called Wireless World and Radio Review and published weekly

February 1925 – Marconi sold the publication rights to Iliffe and Sons

September 1984 – the title was changed to Electronics and Wireless World, and from January 1996 to Electronics World.

Under this name it continued until 2011 when it ceased to be on sale from news-stands after a century. However, it is still available by subscription and in a digital version here. In 2013 a centenary issue was produced  


Further readings:


The very first issue of the April 1911 Marconigraph can be viewed here


Volume XI (7th October 1922 to 31st March 1923) of Wireless World has been scanned by Toronto University and is available here.  Note this is a very large file, about 65 Mbytes.


The April 1961 Golden Jubilee edition of Wireless World entitled “50 Years of Progress” is available here – refer last document on the list.


A very comprehensive list of scanned copies of both the Marconigraph and Wireless World from the first issue is available from this website.



Chris Gardiner has a set of Wireless World 1970 to 2008, and some individual articles over the previous two decades.  There is no plan to scan these in but he is prepared to field questions on an ad-hoc basis.



Marconi Review

Input by Chris Gardiner

The Marconi Review was published between 1928 and 1983, comprising 46 volumes and 228 individual editions.   After 1983 the GEC Review continued until 1999 and I think probably took over the publication of research articles previously in the Marconi Review.  I remember it was at about the 1983 point that my business cards were changed from “Marconi Communication Systems” to “GEC-Marconi Communications” so this would suggest there was a move around this time to phase out all solely Marconi references. This is a link to a site with access to a large number of issues, and there is an incomplete collection listed as a Excel file in the Sandford Mill archive under Reports, Catalogues and Periodicals  - see here starting at item 1493. We have one scanned copy - first quarter 1950 .


Editors note Sept 2024 - I have acquired a collection covering (not completely) 1945 to 1980 listed by number:

75 (first post-war issue) 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 97, 101, 102, 103, 104, 109, 110, 112, 113, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 208, 217  


Editors note:  It has since been verified that The Marconi Review ceased publication after Issue No. 228, first quarter 1983, Vol. 46. It was replaced by the GEC Journal of Research from 1983 to 1996, Vols 1 to 13. In turn this was replaced by the GEC Journal of Technology from 1997 to 1998, Vols. 14 to 15 issue No. 2. The GEC Journal of Technology was then incorporated into the GEC Review which had begun publication in 1985. It ceased publication after Vol.14 issue No. 2 in 1999.


When the demerger of Marconi Electronics Systems happened in 1999 the following notice was published:


Information is being communicated, both locally and internationally, at an ever increasing rate. GEC Review, in common with many other comparable journals, has become available electronically and, whilst the move away from the printed page is not universally acclaimed, the web published information is undoubtedly accessible to a far wider audience - notably those at the heart of the burgeoning communications industry, the new focus of GEC's attention.


Reflecting these changes, GEC's technical endeavours will no longer be formally published under the banner of `GEC Review', so this is our final issue. In future, these activities will appear solely but prominently on our website, facilitating the widespread dissemination of and search for information. The production of customer oriented `themed' publications in print will also become a feature of our new approach.


We thank all our established readers for their interest and feedback over the years and welcome our new audience to the re focused GEC, fit for the challenges of the new millennium.  

(Editors note - it did not of course last and there does not seem to be any trace of the online version.)  


The only GEC Journal of Research copy we have access to was in 1985 and is available here.  It is an issue dedicated to Radar.


The contents pages for all of the issues of the GEC Journal of Research and GEC Journal of Technology, together with some of the front covers are here and for Gec Review here (and click on back issues)


The last three issues of the GEC Revue Vol 13, No. 2, 1998; Vol 14, No. 1, 1999; and Vol. 14, No. 2, 1999 are here


An index to some historical papers published in the GEC Review is available here, and there is an index here for a few other Marconi Review articles gleaned from various sources.



Centenary of Guglielmo Marconi's birth


This brochure was issued to all Marconi employees in 1974 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Marconi's birth.  Thanks to Ian Jack, ex. TID, Building 46, New Street (now in Scotland) who kept a copy and to George MacLean (Cincinnati, USA) for scanning it in.  The brochure is available here.


Ed: The 3MB file size has been deliberately kept small for download speed reasons however a larger file approaching 13MB can be provided as an option should increased quality be required.


The centenary was also celebrated by the IEE - Marconi Centenary 1.    2.

Marconi Centenaries


This brochure, produced in 1999 from various Marconi archives, includes the following 'Firsts':


  • First use of wireless as an aid to ships in distress
  • First wireless messages across the English Channel
  • First use of wireless in war
  • First use of wireless to produce a newspaper at sea



Marconi Corporate


Marconi Today (1984) click here

The Marconi Digest - Vol.1 No.1 September 1983 - Vol.1 No.5 May 1985  - Vol.1 No.6 September 1985

Marconi in the Community (~1984) click here

Miscellaneous GEC - Review Vol.4 No.2 1988 - Review Vol.8 No.3 1993 - Report and Accounts 1984/85


Marconi Catalogues


Used as a sales tool and general reference material they cover all products supplied by the Company.  A listing of these is available here and their content is being entered into the appropriate wikis as they become available.  Currently it covers those available over the date range 1952 to1976.  Any comments, corrections or additions, are most welcome and should be added at the bottom of this page (2,000 characters maximum).



Sound and Vision


Promotional brochures covering primarily television and broadcasting and includes articles, media releases and advertisements.  Their content can be found in the appropriate Wiki under Articles and Press.


A list of these journals with their status is available here.



Point-to-Point Communications


Initially started in 1956 as Point-to-Point Telecommunications and then migrated to its current title in 1969.  The full listing is tabulated here with links to documents as and when they become available.  A Volume index is available here.


Indexes are available which identify each article and are available here sorted by title, and here sorted by author.  These indexes are updated regularly and currently cover all issues up to and including January 1974.



Communications and Broadcasting


In the first issue of this new magazine (Summer 1974) the rationale for combining the previous house magazines 'Point-to-Point Communication' and 'Sound and Vision Broadcasting' can be found here.


A list of these journals with their status is available here



Aerial journals


There were two journals with similar names:


The Aerial is a non-technical magazine illustrating the Company's activities.  It commenced in 1919 and is believed to consist of Volume I 1919-20 and Volume II 1920-21. The first issue had the following introduction:


"The Marconi organization, even if one speaks of the English companies alone, is what the Germans would call a world- fad. Its business is a household word; its operations extend to every ocean and country under the sun, into the air and below the surface of the sea. At Marconi House the ramifications of its activities form such a complex system that one is forced to compile a miniature Who's Who and Who's Where. The employees of the Companies now number some six to seven thousand, and it is felt that a staff magazine will be the best means of communicating with them as a whole and of letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing-sound policy in business even if poor ethics in charity."


Aerial was started at Marrable House <anyone got any details?> by Space & Microwave Division circa 1953* and was published quarterly.  The last issue was in September 1981.  This 1957 article explains the purpose of Aerial in keeping the overseas personnel well informed on company progress.


Lists of these journals are available here and a potential source here



The Link - Marconi Communication and Its People


The Link magazine was produced for the staff of MCSL and copies are available here.


Marconi Radar


The Radar newspapers were successively called "Marconi Radar Echo" 1972-84, followed by "Chelmsford News & Views" 1982-95. As these co-existed for some years any information as to exactly how they were related would be welcomed.

Those we have are listed as pdfs here

News and Views Radar History special edition – early 1980s here


The Bodleian library has copies of "Echo" from 1972 - 1984 and of "Chelmsford News and Views" from 1982 to 1985.


Other publications

A publication "Radar Systems International" from 1969 to 1982 for staff and customers here.

A journal from the later years "Radar Signals"  here


The recent find of miscellaneous publications includes individual copies of a number of journals which will require proper sorting into order but meanwhile in the interests of providing new information they are listed here:

Marconi Radar Systems

Marconi Data Systems

auew tass news and journal March 1984

Marconi Digest Vol 1 No.4 Dec 1984

IQ Insyte Quarterly Nov.2005

IQ Insyte Quarterly Qtr.3 2007

IQ-Insyte Quarterly Issue 3 2010

Breakthrough Xmas 1997

Marconi Commemoration

AiMS Final Edition 2004

AiMS 5th Edition 2003

AiMS 4th Edition 2003

AiMS 3rd Edition 2004

AiMS November 2000

AiMS September 2000

AiMS March 2000

AiMS January 2000

AiMS September 1999

Radar Customer Support Oct 1997

Radar Locked On October 1997

Radar Name Me October 1997

Eastwood News No. 3 May 1994 

S700 Series Low Level Radar

Imagine where we can go together

MARDIS Air Defence Systems

S1810 Defence Radars



Radar News and Views Aug.98 Colin Latham

Martello S 723

TAR S513

A Guide to Marconi Radar Chelmsford

Marconi 84

Times Special Report Radar The First 50 Years00001



The Marconi Companies and Their People


This was the main staff journal for the Marconi companies printed between 1950 and 1970.


Volumes  From  To   
1 - 5  August 1950  July 1955  here
6 - 10 August 1955 July 1960  here
11 - 15 August 1960 July 1965 here
16 - 20  August 1965  March 1970  here




This house magazine for MIMCO came into existence following the enforced takeover of the Marconi Companies by English Electric in 1946. In many ways it continued the recording of personalities and events as first featured in the Marconigraph. It provides a treasure house of information on the operations and equipment of MIMCO together with occasional items on both MWT and EE.


We have scanned the complete collection of this journal - also linked from the MIMCO wiki.


Volumes  From  To      Volumes From To   Volumes From To  
July-Aug 1947
May-June 1950
here   VII July-Aug 1961  
 May-June 1963 
13 July-Aug 1973
May-June 1975 
II July-Aug 1950 May-June 1953 here
  8 July-Aug 1963
May-June 1965
14 July-Aug  1975
May-June 1977
III July-Aug 1953 May-June 1955 here
  9 July-Aug 1965
May-June 1967
15 July-Aug 1977
May-June   1979
IV July-Aug 1955 May-June 1957 here    10 July-Aug 1967
May-June 1969
16 July-Aug 1979
May-June 1981
V July-Aug 1957 May-June 1959 here   11 July-Aug 1969 
May-June 1971
17 July-Aug 1981
May-June 1983
VI July-Aug-Sept 1959 May-June 1961
here   12 July-Aug 1971
May-June 1973

Winter 1983-84

see final page





The following collection of one-off journals could be placed in other wikis if or when more appropriate:


Marconi Communications Systems


The following collection has recently been found - not sorted

Vehicle Ident.Equip. RC1265 RC1270

V.H.F Power Amplifier RC1210

V.H.F A.M Portable R.T RC570

TREND Printer 610 Range

Simplex Base Station RC702 RC752

Remote Control Equipment RC1010

Mob.Radio Portable Radio Station P80

Mob.Rad.F.M Personal R.T RC505 TR

Mob.Rad. F.M Portable R.T RC530

Messenger F,M Mob. R-T RC625 TR

Marrconi Research Labs. MADE

Essex A,M Mob. R-T RC666 TR

Cont.Tone Cont. Sig. System RC1255

Compact HF Receive Antenna R1900

Add-on Selective Calling RC1500 1600

A.M Base Station RC770 TR

A.M Base Station RC760 TR

10kW Auto Tune Lin. H.FAmp H1141

1kW Solid State Linear HF.Tx. H1082T

HF Radio Communication Systems

Broadcasting & TV Transmitters

Broadcast & Comm. Antenna Systems



Milestones in Broadcasting (~1984+) issues 1 to 10 click here


General brochure (~1981) click here


General brochure  (~1986) click here


International Projects (~1986) click here


PCB Assembly click here


HF Radio Communication Systems (~1976) click here


Mobile Tropospheric Scatter System click here


Transportable Trans-horizon Telecommunication System click here


Marconi Mobile Radio click here

Over 70 Years of Mobile Radio (1972) click here

Marconiphone System 4 Automatic click here


Swordfish VHF/UHF Transceiver click here


Fleet Communications click  here


Marconi Space Systems (1984) click here

Marconi Space Systems - Engineering Facilities (1985) click here

Marconi Space Communications (1986) click here


Communication Systems No. 7 edition (1981) click here 

Communication Systems No. 16 edition (1972) click here

Communication Systems No. 18 edition (1972) click here


Marconi Broadcast Transmitters (October 1939) click here

Television Installations click here

From Camera to Aerial click here

Video Recording Equipment click  here

Mobile Television here


Marconi Communications Capability (1989) click here

Communicate Special - August 1996 click here

Communicate Issue 4 - September 1997 click here

Communicate Issue 6 - March 1998 click here



Marconi Underwater Systems


Marconi Underwater Systems (1983) click here



Marconi Secure Radio Systems


CLAYMORE Digital Radio Relay System (1984) click here

MARCRYPMUX High-speed Bulk Encryption (1984) click here

MarCrypTac High Grade Tactical Encryption (1986) click here

MARDEX Tactical Digital Exchange (1984) click here

MUX 983 Signal Multiplexor (1984) click here


The documents listed above are courtesy of Marconi Instruments Heritage


MINSTREL Radio System (1984) click here

SCIMITAR H - Combat Net Radio of the Eighties click here

The SCIMITAR Family of Combat Net Radios (1981) click here

SCIMITAR V User Handbook - (1985) click here - a large file but the smallest I can make it



Marconi Space and Defence Systems


SPADEF Issue 8 (~1984) click here



Undistorted Truth


These were newsletters printed by Broadcasting Division in the mid 1980s and the ten issues are available here.


A sister publication to the Undistorted Truth entitled Milestones in Broadcasting was also produced by the Broadcasting Division over the same time-frame.  Ten issues were printed and are available here.


Originals of both documents have been kindly provided by Mike Kirk in the USA and will be donated to the Marconi Museum in Chelmsford.



Avionics journals


The following avionics journals are available:


  • Marconi Avionics News here and commences around 1977 (first few issues missing).


  • GEC Avionics News here.  These journals follow on from the Marconi ones in September 1984.


  • Other Avionics journals here


Other journals


These were also being produced at various times but little information or availability is known - the list will be amended as information is found:


Marconi News - a regular overseas information service. We have found some copies  - 15 issues covering May 1968 to May 1971 - which are now scanned.


No.8 May 1968


June 1968 here 
No.10 July 1968 here
No.11 August 1968 here
No.12 September 1968 here
No.13 October 1968 here
No.14 November 1968 here
No.16 January 1969 here
No.17 February 1969 here
No.22 July 1969 here
No.25 November 1969 here
No.27 January 1970 here
No.29 March 1970 here
  March 1971 here
  May 1971 here


There is an archive note of Probe, 1977-98, published for consecutively Marconi Research Laboratories, GEC Research Laboratories, GEC Research Ltd., GEC Research Centres, and GEC-Marconi Research Centre but no extant copies have been located.


There are also a few extant copies of a general GEC publication TOPIC - 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6. - if more are found the series will be listed.


Following the GEC mergers there were a number of articles published in successively the GEC Journal and the GEC Review but to date we have not located a complete source of these so at the moment this site is the best we have.


Another as yet unsorted list:

Airadio News (for Marconi-Elliott Avionic Systems), 1973

MEDL News, later Medallion (for Marconi Electronic Devices), 1981-90

Intercom (for Marconi Instruments), 1982-3

Marconi Digest (for Marconi Management), 1983-5

Undercurrent (for Marconi Underwater Systems), 1984, 1989

Password (for Marconi Secure Radio Systems), 1985

Contact (for Marconi Instruments), 1988

Monitor (for GEC Sensors), 1988

Reflections, 1990

Interface (for EASAMS), c.1990

Insite (for GEC Sensors), 1991

Talkback (for Marconi Speech and Information Systems), 1993

Wavelength (for Marconi Instruments) , 1995

Wavelength (for GEC Sensors), 1995

Command and Information Systems Newsletter, 1998

GEC-Marconi Avionics Engineering and Electronics News, 1998

Leading Edge (for Marconi Technology Centres and Product Assurance group), 1998-9

People Achieving Together in Action, 1998-9

Marconi Express (for Marconi Systems Technologies), 1999

Marconi Connections (for Marconi North America), 199


Distribution Section

 Sending out most of these publications was the responsibility of this unit. 







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